Saturday, February 19, 2011

Spinach and cheese for wrinkle skin

Depletion of collagen in the skin can be inhibited from the start by taking collagen supplements. Although collagen supplements are generally made of materials that food is safe to use, it would be better if you eat healthy natural foods to fight wrinkles.
Some experts in dermatology and nutrition experts reveal a number of foods that can help the skin produce more collagen. Eat this food ingredients for wrinkles slowly reduced.

Tofu and soy 
Menopause, and decreased levels of estrogen hormone, often referred to as the cause of reduced levels of collagen. Research shows, as much as 30 percent of one particular type of skin collagen will disappear within the first five years after menopause.
Well, soybeans contain compounds called phytoestrogens, which has the same effect on the body like estrogen. So, if your skin is starting to show fine lines, try the consumption of foods containing soy to help encourage the skin to produce collagen.

Green vegetables such as spinach, water celery, kale, and cabbage are rich in antioxidants called lutein. Antioxidants are important for maintaining collagen levels because these compounds are expected to neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are volatile chemical compounds produced by the body's normal functions or external sources, such as ultraviolet rays and pollution. By protecting ourselves from free radicals, you also can protect the collagen to last longer.


Salmon and other oily fish such as mackerel, herring, and sardines, are often considered as a super food for the skin. These fish contain omega-3 fatty acids are high, which helps nourish the skin remains supple.
U.S. dermatology expert, Dr. Nicholas Perricone, also said that this oily fish can reduce inflammation of the skin. He is convinced that inflammation may not be visible on this surface can accelerate the rate of collagen solution. So, by eating salmon and prevent inflammation, you also protect collagen.


The researchers recently proved that Cheshire cheese (Cheshire is one of the areas in England) who easily crushed efficacious to prevent wrinkles. Mixing this type of cheese with double cream to produce a kind of dough that, when applied to the skin of the face, will give the effect of moisture on the skin is dry within 15 minutes.
You do not have to wonder with this invention because the milk has long been a material commonly used in beauty products. Milk, which is the basic ingredient of cheese, produce materials that can peels nourish the skin naturally.

Berries such as blueberries and strawberries are rich in vitamin C, the main ingredient of collagen maker. In extreme cases, lack of vitamin C will lead to other canker sores and gum disease. At that time, decreased connective tissue will lead to tooth loss, cartilage, and tendons to weaken.
Of course these cases are rare. However, eating vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C will ensure your body to produce collagen and help support the levels of antioxidants in the body.

That should be avoided 
 When skin aging, foods containing sugar or starchy foods that break down to form sugars should be despised. There are some vegetables and berries that contain natural sugars, but the benefit to defeat the negative side. According to Dr. Perricone and other dermatologist, Dr. Fredric Brandt, sugar producing materials "avenger" of inflammation in collagen, which causes melting and hardening of collagen strands.

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